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Flash Points: McCain Showing Senility

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain Showing Senility

Today John McCain accused Barack Obama of sexism for using a term that is commonly used by politicians to describe outlandish policies. This was in reference to policies adopted by George Bush that McCain still supports. On Tuesday, Obama criticized McCain's policies as similar to those of President Bush, saying: "You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years." Well McCain wants people to think this was a personal attack on Palin because she referred to herself as a pitbull with lipstick.
According to it wasn't the first time Obama used the line. In a phone interview with The Washington Post last September, he used it in reference to the situation in Iraq. "I think that both Gen. [David] Petraeus and Ambassador [Ryan] Crocker are capable people who have been given an impossible assignment," Obama told the Post. "George Bush has given a mission to Gen. Petraeus, and he has done his best to try to figure out how to put lipstick on a pig."
It seems everyone has to defend Sarah Palin! Well if she is so qualified to lead this country, why does everyone have to jump to her defense when they think she is being attacked? The most ironic and ridiculous point of this criticism by McCain is he used the exact same words when talking about Hillary Clinton's universal health care plan. In Iowa last October, McCain drew comparisons between Hillary Clinton's current health care plan and the one she championed in 1993: "I think they put some lipstick on the pig, but it's still a pig." He used roughly the same line in May, after effectively claiming the Republican nomination.
The McCain camp is trying to say the difference between the two is he was talking specifically about issues while Obama was talking about Palin. But when you compare the two quotes, Barack Obama specifically references John McCain and his adoption of George Bush and his policies toward the Iraq war, while John McCain specifically references Hillary Clinton. So in another one of his senile moments, McCain is accusing Obama of doing what he actually did himself. Most medical professionals would call this the onset of dementia. Once again the Republicans are trying to confuse the voters by twisting the words that were actually spoken. Not one word about Palin, direct reference to Hillary Clinton. C'mon America, we are not that stupid.
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