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Flash Points: The VP Debate Expectations

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The VP Debate Expectations

As I await the Vice Presidential candidates debate, it has been asked among the news agencies, "What do you expect?" To my surprise, the Republicans have spun their position to the point of don't expect Sarah Palin to show much knowledge on issues. They are claiming this is a good thing because it shows she is just like the average American. After her recent interviews with Katie Couric, in which she shows she knows absolutely nothing about what's going on in the world outside of Alaska, her Republican supporters are touting this as refreshing and honest commentary and that the media was asking trap questions to show her lack of knowledge. This is basically the same approach they used for Gov. George Bush eight years ago, saying he was an honest man with no knowledge of Washington politics and he would change the way things were run when he is elected. Boy did he ever change things!
Although Gov. Palin is not running for president, there is that strong possibility that she could assume the position at any moment considering John McCain's health issues. While trying to be funny, she joked about debating Joe Biden, a 65 year old man who's speeches she had listened to since she was a child, forgetting that the man that selected her as a running mate is 72 years old. Now it is obvious that she never listened to any of Joe Biden's speeches as a child, or John McCain's for that matter, and the more she is allowed to talk, the more the American public is learning that she doesn't know. She tried to say she has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from Alaska. Well the truth is, you can see Russia from Alaska, and you can also see Canada. In fact, the United States and Canada share the longest international border in the world, so you can see Canada from numerous states. You can also see Mexico from several southern U.S. states, mostly from Texas, but that didn't help George Bush.
Now let's not forget about genius Joe Biden, who just this week stated during the financial crisis that President Franklin Roosevelt came on TV during the depression to explain to the American people how he was going to fix the financial crisis of that time. Now let's study this statement, as it has been suggested that Biden was completely off-base. The depression first started in 1929 with the stock market crash on Wall Street, much like we are seeing today, and lasted all the way through the 1930's until the start of World War II in 1939. Roosevelt was elected to his first term in 1932, so he did inherit the depression during his terms as president, and he was the one who helped bring the country out of the depression. Second, about watching him on television. Well Joe Biden was born in 1942, after the depression was over, so I don't think he was talking about he saw Roosevelt on television during the depression. At least Palin was alive when she claimed to hear Biden's speeches. Although television had been invented, it had just been introduced to the American public in the late 1930's, so there couldn't have been too many people that saw him on television during the depression, and I don't think many people were buying TV's. What he was probably referring to was when people would go to the movies and watch the newsreels that would play before the start of the movies. Still, Joe was too young during Roosevelts presidency to remember seeing these clips, or even here him speak on the radio.
So what am I expecting to see tonight during the debate? Well, I'm looking forward to seeing who makes the dumbest statements. The Republicans have already taken a shot at the moderator Gwen Ifill because she has written a book about Black politicians past and present that have had an effect on the American political scene, which naturally includes Barack Obama. They are crying potential bias and that she should be replaced. Even though she suffered an injury in her home earlier this week, Ms. Ifill will be the moderator for this event, as she was the moderator for the same event in 2004 between Dick Cheney and John Edwards. Ms. Ifill also has her own show on PBS, "Washington Week in Review" and also is the senior correspondent on "Newshour with Jim Lehrer." She has appeared often as a regular guest panelist on such Sunday morning news magazines such as "Meet the Press", so she is definitely qualified as moderator.
The debate is still not a test of Palin's ability to be a leader though, as she will still dodges the media's hard questions and toughest interviewers. After the debate there will be many questions about the responses given by both candidates that the people of America will need clarification on. The problem so far has been everyone explains Palin's goofs for her, while the other candidates speak for themselves. No one has faced tougher questions about his past than Barack Obama, especially during the Rev. Wright controversy. But Sarah Palin has been recently linked to some very controversial religious personalities herself, including someone that some people have referred to as a witch doctor! Obama still faces people that refer to him as being Islamic, even after the Rev. Wright issue proved he had been a member of Wright's Christian church for at least twenty years.
The main issue of the debate is supposed to be who is best qualified to lead the country in the event they have to assume the office if something happens to the other candidate, but from what I've been hearing, the debate is going to be more about what their running mates policies are, in other words, attack the opposing presidential candidate. This is not what the American people want to know, the presidential candidates should handle that themselves. So my main focus tonight will be first, the substance and relevance of the questions regarding their ability to lead this country. Second, if asked these questions, how do they respond under pressure. Finally, who is most in control and most knowledgeable. Let's see what happens.
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